Two things We Love, Spring and Cleaning!

It’s that time of year again. The days are slowly getting longer, the snow from a long winter is starting to melt, and there is hope in the air of spring! It’s either the warmer air or seeing more sunlight, but for us, this means it’s time to open those windows and let some fresh air in! It’s also time to tackle some of those jobs we’ve been putting off as we hibernated in our warm and cozies. 

Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming. Where do you start? As in downsizing, we like to break spring cleaning into manageable chunks. We do this by focusing on one space at a time. Here’s a general overview of those tasks that need that once-a-year deep clean! 


Typically in most homes, the bathrooms are getting a weekly clean, but it’s easy to forget about some of the more detailed items. We like to wipe down the inside and outside of all the cabinetry/vanities. While doing this, it’s helpful to pull out all the products and throw away any expired items you’re no longer using. After this, grab that shower curtain and throw it in the wash along with any floor mats.

Living Room

This is arguably where families spend the majority of their time. It’s the Friday night movie scene and even the weekday dinner spot, so it is often doing double duty. We like to start by taking a look around and purging any items that you are no longer loving or using. While you are organizing, do a full dust of all shelving, baseboards, and window sills, and even give the walls a full wipe down. Pull all the cushions off the furniture and vacuum in all those nooks and crannies. Throw pillow covers and blankets in the wash to freshen everything up. Vacuum all carpets and wash them if possible.


Always known as the heart of the home, it’s also the space with the most traffic, and typically the biggest mess. We love to start by emptying the fridge, wiping down all the shelves and getting rid of all the expired food items. Next, pull it out from the wall and vacuum behind it, as this is a popular spot for dust to sit and collect. Pro tip, vacuum out the coils and motors on the back to prolong the life of the fridge! Remove all the dishes, cutlery and food items from the cabinets and drawers. Give everything a clean and check expiration dates. Clean all the small appliances such as the microwave, coffee maker, and toaster (empty the crumbs out of that tray!). Give the sink a good sanitization with a soak and wash.


This is supposed to be a space in the home where you can relax and unwind, but historically it’s also one that gets the least amount of attention. During your Spring cleaning routine, it’s a great opportunity to go through your closets and donate or sell any clothing items you haven’t worn lately. Take off the duvet, mattress cover and all other bedding and wash according to the manufacturer's instructions. Vacuum the mattress and rotate it. If possible, wash your pillows and always use pillow protectors underneath your pillowcases. For your children's rooms, all the same principles apply but we also love to throw in a little cleaning of toys and school supplies.

Laundry Room

We think it’s very important to keep the laundry room clean and tidy since this is the space responsible for keeping everything else clean! For most of us, this process will start with catching up on the loads currently sitting there waiting to get folded and put away. Once you have done that, move the washer and dryer away from the wall and vacuum and clean behind them. If possible, with the correct tools, clean out the lint traps in the dryer and the one that vents to the exterior of the home. Wipe down the machines, inside and out.

For all spaces throughout the house, remember to clean and dust light fixtures, wipe down baseboards, and walls, and disinfect door handles and light switches. Wipe down blinds, wash curtains and check all smoke detectors. Clean all windows inside and out! We know every home is different, but we hope that our tips will help guide you through your own checklist.

Happy cleaning!

DeclutterLeanne Masellis